
Best of 2010

2010 Top 10

Wie immer: radikal subjektiv, ohne Anspruch auf so etwas wie Objektivität oder Gerechtigkeit oder was auch immer.

1. Elizabeth Cook, Welder

2. Nancy Apple, Shine

3. Jason & The Scorchers,
Halcyon Times

4. Carrie Rodriguez,
Love and Circumstance

5. The SteelDrivers, Reckless

6. Catherine Britt

7. BoDeans, Mr. Sad Clown

8. Yvette Landry,
Should Have Known

9. The Lil’ Band O’ Gold,
The Promised Land – A Swamp
Pop Journey

10. Zoe Muth and The Lost
High Rollers

ausserdem auf der Top-10-Auswahlliste 2010 (alphabtische Reihenfolge):

Bonsoir Catin, Vive L’Amour

Martí Brom, Not For Nothin’

Pieta Brown, One And All

Bobby Charles, Timeless

John Hiatt, The Open Road

David Hidalgo & Louie Pérez, The Long Goodbye

Shelley King, Welcome Home

Bill Kirchen, Word To The Wise

Los Lobos, Tin Can Trust

Miss Leslie, Wrong Is What I Do Best

Ann Savoy & Her Sleepless Knights,
Black Coffee

Texas Tornados, ¡Esta Bueno!

Kevin Welch, A Patch of Blue Sky

Re-issues, Compilations

1. Charlie Feathers, Can’t Hardly Stand It! –
The Complete 50s Recordings

2. Sonny Landreth, Mississippi Blues
(The Crazy Cajun Recordings)

3. V. A., All We Wanna Do Is Rock (Bear Family
Records 35th Anniversary Sampler)

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hanspeter, Robert Mache here, I played on Nancy Apple's 'SHINE' - I'd like to send you a personal message and speak with you about a couple of things. May I have a way to contact you? Thank you.

Robert Mache, Memphis